The job on the bus goes up and down!

You know the song...the wipers on the bus go swoosh swoosh swoosh, the kids on the bus go wild, wild, wild, the driver on the bus goes crazy, crazy, crazy and the job on the bus goes up and down, down and down, mostly down!!! those aren't the right words, but they are the words I've been singing all week! For once, my own son has been as good as gold while the kids on the bus drive me insane! Maybe I'm not nearly as easy going as I once thought I was, or maybe the spring time air has done something to the brains of our next generation!
It all started down hill last Fri, when Harrison began melting down on my bus en route to the school to pick up my kids for their early dismissal. I had to pull my bus onto a quiet road, take him out of his carseat and rock him back and forth in my arms, whispering "ssshhhh,'s OK, Momma's here". The only technique that works to calm him when he floods with emotion like that. I finally get him settled, back into his carseat and we head for the school, now 5 mins late. The Vice Principal is waiting to read the riot act to the kids, as she followed us for several blocks that morning to see 1/2 of them out of their seats, facing backwards and moving around the bus...all of which I've told the kids to stop. We have a somewhat peaceful ride home, until an angry Mom at stop 3 starts shouting at me, demands to know what the delay is and accuses me of taking 1 1/2 hrs to get there! Let's see...we pull away from the school at 1:15pm, have 2 stops before this one and it's still only 2:13pm! 1 1/2 hrs...I failed math, but this doesn't add up! I thought we were doing well, and I told her about the VP talking to the kids and never mind the traffic in Calgary! She wouldn't accept any of that as a reasonable explanation, and yelled at me because I pick her daughter up at 8am and bring her home after 2pm and the school only gives them a 10 min break all day! Take it up with the school lady....I only drive the bus!!!!

We enjoyed a great weekend, but then there was Mon! Remember the VP reading the riot act on Fri afternoon?! Well, my kids didn't, so I wrote up 5 misconduct reports after one kid swore (the one sitting right behind Harrison no less) 2 kids hid garbage under/between their seat, others were out of their seats and one kid jumped over the back of the seat ahead of him! I actually got out of my seat at stop one, marched to the back of the bus to get their attention (a first for me) and told them all to get back in their seats PDQ!!! They looked at me like I was out of my mind...maybe I was at that point! Out of 5 misconducts, not one was signed or returned the next day, so they all got called to the office and warned that a formal misconduct (that goes in their school record) would be issued the next day if nothing was returned, and alas, that is what happened to all 5 of them! I even had one Mom write a nasty note saying that her son, his brother and a friend (the ring leader!) all deny he jumped over the seat, and she is believing them, NOT the bus driver! Can you believe it?! Does this woman think I have nothing better to do with my time, than write up bus misconducts?! Who are these parents?! Even after handing out 5, I still had to hand one more out yesterday for refusing to stay seated while bus is in motion!!! Don't these kids learn?! The kids asked me how many I've handed out, and my answer? "Too many!" Considering I made it through an entire school year last year without writing one...and this year I've lost count of how many I've had to write!!! It's now spring break and I don't have to see any of them for 10 whole days....hooray!!!
But what got me through it all, believe it or not is Harrison! He was SO good this week, and rubbed my back for me last night, held me so tight in his little arms, and said, "I'm sorry about the kids on the bus, I know it was just an accident...I love you my Princess!" How cute is that?! That's what he calls me now....his Princess! Smart kid!!! Thank you Prince Harry (what I call him!) for making Mommy feel like not only a Princess, but a Queen!!! You really are a special little guy with the biggest heart of any preschooler I know! Amazing isn't it, how just a hug from your own child can part the clouds, make the storm stop and make the sun shine to unveil the brightest rainbow in the sky!!!
Did you ride the school bus? Did you ever get a misconduct report? How did your parents handle it?