Thursday, March 22, 2007

Loving Spirit

I feel like I wasn't fair and a bit hasty in my last entry. I sound like this cranky old mom, who has no patience for her kid. And that is likely how Harrison would describe me most days. I do love my son more than words can say, or than anyone other than a mother can fully appreciate. He is the light in my life, and so to redeem myself (and to avoid any unnecessary calls to Child Services!)I have made a list of all the things I love about Spirit! This was no easy task, as just yesterday morning he got out of his seat on the bus and grabbed the steering wheel, then stomped down on the accelerator just as I was taking my foot off the break while backing it up in front of my house, narrowly missing a parked car behind me. I was only slightly irritated! So making this list was quite the challenge for me!

What I Love About Spirit

Challenge~~keeps me on my toes
Curiosity~~he wants to know everything
Intense~~feels things more deeply
Enthusiasm~~he loves trying new things and is fearless about it
Affection~~he gives the best kisses and the tightest bear hugs
Energy~~he has lots of it and I have to keep up
Intelligence~~he is highly intelligent and needs to be kept stimulated
Passion~~he is extremely passionate about everything he does (all or nothing!)
Sensitive~~very in-tune with other people's emotions and feelings
Caring~~he has the biggest heart of any little spirit I know
Goal Oriented~~he knows what he wants and goes for it
Focus~~he doesn't lose sight of his goals
Success~~it's sweeter when we do succeed at a task, as we've worked harder for it
Smiles~~he doesn't give them out easily, but when he does the sun shines brighter
Zest~~he has an amazing zest for life that keeps us all inspired!

There you have the finer points of raising a child with Spirit! It is never easy, but it's rewards are met with a much sweeter sense of victory, and the small accomplishments deserve great honour! As the mother of a Spirited Soul, we spend more time feeling frustrated by the less than perfect reports from the teacher, our confidence is shaken by their strict personalities and unwillingess to change, and we are left exhausted at the end of each morning, wondering how we will make it to bed time without hurting someone. But then they give us the best hugs any mom could ask for, and they look deep into your soul with their piercing eyes, and ask you the most outstanding questions to come out of the mouth of a preschooler, or simply say "tell me what made you happy today Mommy" and then you know, this was no mistake, as you answer them with "you honey, you made Mommy happy today, just by being special little you!" And you realize there is grace in the world and plenty of little reasons to Love Spirit!!!


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