Mother's Day

I had a nice Mother's Day, not because I got spoiled, but because I got to enjoy cooking a big turkey dinner for my Mother! She works so hard and is always doing things for others, and never anything for herself. So what better day to show her how loved and appreciated she is, than on Mother's Day?!
I made homemade stuffing from scratch(didn't cheat and use a box!), a 10 lb turkey, cranberries, my special garlic mashed potatoes with lots of butter, sour cream and milk (low fat of course!), gravy, steamed broccoli and carrots, steamed asparagus with hollandaise sauce, coleslaw and fruit salad for dessert. It didn't feel like work at all. I put so much love into the meal and made sure it was perfect, just like her! It turned out beautifully if I do say so myself! We also had my Mom's sister Aunt Colleen over, as well as my cousin Evan and his roomate. If you want your food to disappear, just invite two 21 yr old bachelors over for dinner! Too bad they aren't as good at washing dishes as they are at eating turkey!
I got a babyfood jar covered in crepe paper and glitter, filled with candy and a handmade card from preschool, along with a box of chocolates and the cutest card in the history of Mother's Day that his Dad helped him pick out. It said "You deserve a what do you want me to break today? Happy Mother's Day from your son!" How hilarious and appropriate is that coming from my very own Lil Bam-Bam?! That one is a keeper! He also picked the tulips you see in the first picture out of our neighbour's flower bed and proudly gave them to me for Mother's Day! A gift just from him, with nobody's help or inspiration but his own! How could I be mad?! I don't think the neighbours will miss them, do you?!
Here is my little Spiderman. His Dad took him to the circus today and brought him home with his face painted!

Happy Mother's Day!
What did you do for your Mother today? If you are a Mother, what made your day special?
Sounds like you had an excellent day, don't forget to take a break yourself. Happy Mother's Day!
Love Melissa
Harley let me sleep in, the first time in a very long time, it was wonderful. I came downstairs and she had cleaned up the house. I couldn't ask for a better child, I just hope this rubs off on Jac. I also had homemade presents that were awesome. I will try to take a picture of them. I called my mom and thanked her for being my mom and ended the day watching one of my favourite shows, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Days like that one are far too rare.
Brian picked me flowers once out of our landlady's flower bed, I was not impressed. Mother's day he did good though, I got two flower hanging baskets for our front porch and a card he made. I made mom a card and called her. Glad you enjoyed your day!
I received 2 beautiful bunches of tuilips (one from each of the kids) and a lovely card that both of my angles drew all over. I also got a laminated daisy with Aiden's smiling picture decorating the centre and a heart shaped key ring with Ali's lovely face on one side and Happy Mother's Day on the other. Max and the kids took me out to breakfast and then the three of them kept pretty busy all day while I relaxed. I don't get the chance to relax much so it was lovely and reminded me how special all my gang is.
Love being a MOM!!!!
I didn't receive any Mother's Day presents - boo-hoo!
When we lived in Hidden Valley I had a beautiful flower bed with about 40 pink tulips all in bloom at once. At least until I came home from work to discover that someone had cut EVERY ONE OF THEM OFF! No, I'm not still bitter about it (well maybe just a tad). I'm sure that they made someone's mom a gorgeous bouquet since tulips were not in season and the retail cost would have been close to $100. I'm sure with time I will get over it.
For my mom I got her a golf club driver cover, and for "Appreciate Your Wife Day" (as mother's day is known in our house), Jason got me a new golf shirt (although he probably bought it because he bought himself one too).
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