Happy 5th Birthday Harrison!
Today my baby turns 5 yrs old. Why is this such a big issue for me? I am an emotional wreck. Perhaps it's because it's a big milestone birthday for a child...and their mother! I just can't believe that I've been a Mom for 5 yrs now. The time is ticking by far too fast, and no matter what I try to do, how tight I squeeze him, how much I hold him in my arms like a baby and pepper his brow with sweet angel like kisses, he just keeps growing up! He has become so independant and grown-up this last year. Preschool helped him to mature and spread his wings, meet new friends and enjoy new experiences. He is growing from a little Preschool boy into a little man, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I also think that the fact that he starts Kindergarten in Sept, and will be off to big kid school, along with the fact that I desperately want another baby and don't have one to hold and care for while he races off to school, is not helping my emotional state! He had his preschool graduation yesterday and I cried! How pathetic is that?! Enough about me, here are the pictures from Captain Harrison's 5th Birthday Party on the High Sea!
ARRRRR....Mateys and Pirate Princesses, are ye ready for a swashbuckling adventure?!

What's this?! A Pirate's Chest of gold?! Mmmmm...looks good Matey!

Arrrr Captain....looks like ye be findin yurself a nice stash of treasure!

Captain Harrison enjoying his treasure! I made a Treasure Chest cake full of gold and treasure! It was a real hit with the kids and adults alike! And it tasted pretty good if I do say so myself!

Opening his loot!

With his new scooter that we gave him for his Birthday, to enjoy with the kids on the cul-de-sac at our new house!!!

The Party Pirate with his Mateys and Pirate Princesses, noshing on some grub at sea!
Happy Birthday from afar, across the sea (well, not really, unless you go the LONG way!). Glad it was such a big hit!
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