What I Do All Day

All of you Moms have been asked this question a hundred times if you've been asked it once...."So, what did you do all day?!" At the end of a long and exhausting day of looking after a new baby or toddler, that one question alone can set off the most composed mothers into a sudden onset of rage, anger, hurt and tears! I always take offense to it, even if the person asking means it in a truely innocent and genuine way, out of pure interest and curiosity about what I've done all day. I always take it as a stab at me and what I do. Since I'm at home and clearly not getting paid for any of the work I do, I assume they think I must be eating chocolate on the couch all day between naps! Well, my Dad keeps telling me I'm too defensive (I'm workin on it Dad!) However, I found myself at the other end of that question the other day, doing the asking and not the answering!
My Mom had the day off last Tues after the long weekend and took Harrison for the afternoon while I drove my school bus route. She only had him for a few hours, but when I walked in the door, I walked into what looked like a war zone just after a bomb had gone off! I immediately shouted (to no one in particular since there didn't seem to be any adults present!) "what did you do all day?!" No one answered me, except Harrison! Oh no! I climbed over toys and clothes strewn from one end of the living room to the other, as my son sat naked on a chair, one inch from the TV tuned into a channel I don't let him watch, not far from an empty bowl and tell-tale Jersey Milk chocolate wrappers everywhere....wondering what had gone on all day! Then suddenly, there in the middle of it all, was the only evidence I needed to seal the case! There lay my Mom, sound asleep on the couch, oblivious to all that had gone on around her!

She didn't get a very nice wake up call, as I shook her to her senses (never shake a baby....oh wait, baby...right....she's an adult...shake away!) screaming, "What did you do all day? How long have you been asleep?!" Groggy and out of it, she asked calmly what time it was! "6pm...it's 6pm! How long have you been asleep?!" I know he must have really worn her out, for if she'd been of clearer mind she would never have admitted the truth, "since 4pm"!!! If you can't trust your parents...then who can you trust?!
Since 4pm.....4pm....that's 2 whole hours my little Hurricane had free run of the house....and that is when I noticed the near empty bottle of sunscreen sitting on the floor, next to the puddle of it all over the carpet, near the sunscreen soaked clothes he'd peeled off! Just great! When I asked him what he was doing, he said "putting it on"! Like DUH Mom, what else would I do with a whole brand new bottle of sunscreen?! As I approached him, that's when I saw that he too was covered from head (by this I mean his hair!) to toe in the tropical splash lotion that brings back memories of warmer sun filled days at the paddling pool. Well, who could blame the little guy for wanting to be reminded of that?!
"Mom! You can't fall asleep when you're looking after Harrison! He's not one of those kids...he needs to be watched like a hawk! You can't take your eyes off him for 30 seconds....let alone 2 hours," I continued to shout! "I know...I know," she tried to weasle out of it! "No you don't or this wouldn't have happened!" I was furious! "You're lucky it's only sunscreen....he could have gotten out of the house (which he's already done on more than one occasion!) or really injured himself and you'd never know!" I fumed around the living room, stepping over toys, clothes, chocolate wrappers and a giant pool of sunscreen. Harrison began apologizing to keep my Mom from getting in trouble from his Mom, who is a whole lot meaner than my Mom ever was!!!

That is when I realized that things could have been a lot worse, and I started to laugh (inside!) as I looked around. I was reminded of an email my girlfriend sent me (thanx Rebecca!) about a lady who got tired of answering the "what did you do all day?" question from her hubby, so one day she stayed in bed all day and he walked into complete chaos and destruction, to which she replied, "You know you ask what I do all day? Well, today I didn't do it!" I love that email! And now I too know that this is what the house would look like if I did nothing all day! Even on days when it feels like I haven't done any of the things on my To-Do List, my job as a mother is still important work!
For all you hard working Moms out there, give yourselves a pat on the back for all you do all day: from picking up toys, wiping the juice/milk off the kitchen floor and furniture, keeping the clothes ON your kids (this is a tough one in my house right now!) watching your toddler's every move and always knowing where they're going to be in 2 mins and not just where they are right now, following them around to keep them safe from harm and handing out discipline when necessary in a loving and caring manner...all while staying calm, organized and stress free!!! And next time someone asks you what you did all day long, smile sweetly and say, "I avoided danger, maintained order and asserted damage control in what would otherwise be complete chaos!" And that is no easy task!!!
Great post! And your right that it could have been worse, I just posted about our near scary experience with a toddler. I thought you were going to say Harrison had drunk the sunscreen, that would have been worse! Glad he was ok and go easy on your mom, we've all been there. Then be thankful for the angels who worked like crazy keeping him in the house and away from worse things while your mom got her most needed nap ;)
Wow! That was such a good read! You can write, woman! And the truth shall come out, hey? Well, we all know what could have happened, but didn't, and Angela's right about them angels!! It happens, to ALL of us, so when someone asks me what I do all day, I ask them why they want to know! If they stutter and stumble, I know their question was for the wrong reasons. Usually, I get an answer, and then I answer them!
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