Monday, April 02, 2007

Future Family?!

Last weekend, my highschool friend Lin was in town from Yellowknife NWT, for an overnight visit with her 2 yr old daughter Jac. Harrison remembered "Baby Jac" from their visit with us last summer, but was surprised to find out "Baby Jac" has become a toddler over the winter! I love that picture of Harrison explaining the deep meaning of life, and Jac hanging on every word he says!

They had fun running around holding hands and playing together, like old friends! Lin asked Harrison if was going to marry Jac, and he said "maybe, but not until we are adults!" Well, I'm glad he's got that straight! However, after seeing the pictures on Kim's blog of Jac and her shoe fetish, she may be too high maintenance for my son!!! Harrison took that picture of his future bride himself...not bad for a 4 yr old photographer!

It was interesting to watch them play together, and see their personalities shine through, and work out their differences on their own, despite their age gap. Jac is still in the exploring-everything-new-stage, and had great fun dumping out Harrison's toys to play with them all. Well...Mr. Anal had a fit, and didn't enjoy the "big mess Baby Jac made!" So why is it that he can have toys strewn from one end of my house to the other, and it's not deemed a mess, but when someone else does it, it's a big deal?!

He took to Lin right away and started calling her Auntie Lin! He was upset when they had to leave, and gave out big hugs and kisses to Baby Jac and his new Auntie Lin! However, Jac was far less impressed with all the affection and man-handling going on, but Auntie Lin made up for it when she returned his big bear hug! Jac much preferred him to show her attention by giving her a double ride on the back of his trike! Maybe she's just playing hard to get! Must be love!!!

The Happy Couple!!!


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