Saturday, June 03, 2006

Smell the Roses

We have all heard it said that we need to stop and smell the roses along life's journey. Or, if you are Harrison, while you're on a terribly boring trip to Home Depot! My parents are going to be re-painting the interior of their home this summer, so I offered to check out some paint samples to help them narrow down their choices.

Now to me, spending a leisurely afternoon meandering through the home decorating aisle sounds like a completely reasonable and fun way to kill some spare time! But to Harrison, running up and down those aisles and pulling as many of those paint sample chips off the shelves as humanly possible, scattering them everywhere to watch Mommy's head spin and her blood pressure rise seemed like far more fun....until he was mesmorized by the peaceful serenity and the rainbow of colour that surrounded him, the scent of the fresh flowers blooming in the many pots, the gentle tranquility and quiet lull of the water fountains that seemed to be waiting for little hands just his size to be dipped and discovered! I've always said he suffers from a split-personality, and never has it been so appearant! One minute he was terrorizing innocent home decorators with his antics and screaming, only to turn the corner and become a completely different child in the span of one single minute! He immediately calmed down to match the environment in which he entered, and began smelling the flowers, bending over to look at a display of clay garden geckos, and then pausing long enough to relax and enjoy the sensation of the water pouring through his little fingers at the fountains.

It did us both a world of good! It brought my blood pressure back down to normal range and allowed me to watch him in wonder, as he explored and experimented his way through this new and exciting environment, and made me appreciate how no matter how small (or big!) you are, you should always, I repeat always take time out to stop and smell the roses. As I proved, it's probably even good for your health!!!

PS So...who is going to buy him that water fountain for his birthday so I can continue to enjoy some peace and quiet at home!?


Blogger Madame Angela Baggett said...

I was going to say, it sounds like he needs a little plot of land. Ivan loves flowers too. It's one of the words he can say really well. He likes to touch them and say "flower" and smell them. Maybe you can get Harrison some flower seeds and start a little spot with him. We got some at the dollar store (10 cents). They started coming up in a few days, then gave off different colors depending on the plant. They bring us lots of joy. I'm not sure what grows good there, but it's fun to do together.

June 03, 2006 9:46 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally a moment to read and write to you. I can't believe how big H is getting. He sounds like he is still quite the handful. Jac has started throwing temper tantrums but not destroying anything, YET! Soon enough. When we come down in August i hope that we can spend a day with the two of you and have the kids just terrorize wherever they go. Jac is a little follow the leader girl. if she sees someone do something she is right behind doing the same thing. See you soon and keep up the posts!

June 07, 2006 5:18 p.m.  

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