Out Of The Mouths Of Babes Vol 2

I decided it was time for another installment of this one! So here we are at Volume 2. Harrison comes up with some pretty hilarious stuff, and I keep meaning to write it all down, however like all good intentions, they fall by the wayside and get put off, until I find a few quiet minutes to myself to catch up on my thoughts and my entries! So let's go back 6 weeks or so....
As many of you know, I went up to Fort McMurray to visit Jean-Francois (love you honey!) for 6 days over spring break. A couple of days before I left, I was explaining to Harrison how he'd have several reputable family members looking after his every need while I was away, and that he could phone me whenever he wanted to hear my voice, and although I would miss him immensely, I would return home and he had nothing to worry about. He looked me in the eye and said, "Mommy, you will be in my heart when you are not here!" Well, that made me melt! Guess the kid's more secure than I thought he was! Then at the airport, while I was standing in line at security and saying goodbye to Harrison, all the while, hugging and kissing him like crazy, and telling him how much I'd miss him, he hugged me tight then said, "I think I will feel like I don't got a mommy". Well, that just about did me in! What kind of horrible mother would get on a plane after a comment like that?! Let me tell you what kind.....the single kind that needs a break from the everyday demands of raising active and energetic preschoolers!!! And for the record....I had a fabulous time in Fort Mac and both Harrison and I survived the brief but well needed seperation from one another!
Now...this one is funny but caught me off guard! Last week we were at the zoo with my friend and her 2 1/2 yr old daughter, enjoying the fresh air and exercise that comes with chasing little ones around a zoo full of animals, when Harrison walked up to her and proclaimed like it was gospel, nice and loud for all to hear, "Mommy's having twins!" She looked at me in shock, to find me staring back at her, then at him, in a similar state of shock! "I am NOT pregnant, and certainly not with twins!" was all I could muster after that! The first thoughts that crossed my mind were~ Why did he say that? followed by~ And who else has he told this absurd and outrageous story of fiction to?! He hadn't repeated it (as far as I know!) until last night on the phone while talking to Jean-Francois, when he told him "Mommy's having twins with you!" Well, that should hardly scare him off! It's very strange, but Harrison has been obsessed with twins since he was about 2 yrs old, and has been telling me since the same age that I'm going to be having a set! He used to tell me "You going to have 2 babies", which simply lead me to believe he wanted 2 more siblings, which was OK with me! However, now that he's got the vocabulary, he's become very specific about the "2 babies" being "twins", one boy and one girl. I hope he doesn't know something I don't....cuz I am not ready for twins!!! Neither is Jean-Francois I don't think!
By far the most adorable statement made to date, was also said last night at bedtime. After the whole twins comment, he must have gauged by my reaction that he needed to make it up to me, as he told me, "Mommy you going to be a queen!" Well, he's right on that one! I guess you take the good with the bad! However, it did occur to me today, that if I were a queen, I'd be able to afford good help with those twins!!!
PS Don't all freak out about the picture....Evan was having fun with Harrison and my camera, a rather fitting photo to follow up my last entry with, once again only further proving my point!
DISCLAIMER: NO children were mistreated, forced to smoke or drink during the making of this blog!
Don't want to freak you out, but I really think kids are more in tune than us adults and there may be some truth to Harrison's little oft repeated statement! An old friend of Brian's is currently having twins: a boy and girl. She has the same doctor as me and comes to the swim class, so it's wild to think from her side of things from time to time! I also have a friend with 2 sets of twins, fraternal boys then identical girls. Wild huh?
Ange~WOW, can't imagine 2 sets of twins! It's true, children are very in tune and much more open to the possibility of another "realm" than we adults are. He is very perceptive, so does make me wonder/worry about him being able to predict the future more accurately than the rest of us. If so it sure sounds like I may be in trouble here then doesn't it?!
predict the future!!??
Tell him to pick 6 #'s between 1 and 49.
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