Tempted By Technology!

I have heard it said that technology can be a dangerous invention if it falls into the wrong hands. Well I am here with the pictures to prove this theory true! I am also here with a warning to all parents, no matter what your child's age, to never, I repeat NEVER leave any type of electronic devices laying about the house! Nothing is safe when you have children and/or teens in your home! This includes digital cameras, TV's, video cameras, remote controls, VCR's, DVD players and even computers!!!
A couple of weeks ago, we had the pleasure of hosting Easter for the whole family. Now don't get me wrong, it was wonderful to have the whole family together for once and the food was delicious, as was the chocolate! However, I think it was the free entertainment after dinner that was the most fun for everyone! While all the adults sat around and discussed worldly events and tried to solve all the world's problems with math equations (remember we have too many engineers in the family?! sorry JF~guess there's room for one more!!!) the "kids" got hold of my digital camera and started snapping away! They held their own photo shoot it seems, while we adults were oblivious to the whole thing! I guess next year I'll drink less and observe more!!!!
Here are only a few (and I do mean a few!) of the many (and I do mean many!) pictures taken with my digital camera by both Harrison 3 yrs old and my cousin Byron 16 yrs old! Notice how all the pictures carry the same silly theme....that nothing is safe?! Guess there's not much difference in maturity between toddlers and teens, which leaves me with bad news for all of us parenting toddlers right now, hoping that they'd soon outgrow their preschool pranks!!! Well I guess who am I to stop creativity from reaching it's full potential?!
The lovely pictures you are enjoying are mostly self explanatory! There's the one Harrison took of himself, along with the one of the back of Mozart the dog, the floor and someone's foot! He also took the family portrait of my Mom on the left, Byron in the middle and my Aunt Dianne on the right. The other 2 are very self explanatory....one of Byron in the mirror (what more proof do you need?!) and the typing he left on my computer screen for me!
Consider yourselves warned if you have kids, now go and lock up your electronic equipment!!!
Now I know we're alllll thinking the same thing... Where's the butt shot I'm sure you have among those "candite" pictures...
And no, I cannot spell..
Believe me. I'm not showing most of the photos from the stagette last weekend!
veedub~wouldn't you like to know where the butt shots are!? There definately are some, but the answer here is NOT a chance! This is a family blog afterall...email me and we'll talk!!!
munkey says...
I definitely have some that will forever remain out of the public's eye....well, not really....just ask and i'll show 'em! (if i can find 'em...)....lol
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