Baby Bump Number 2

Wow...where has the time gone? I was so good at posting updates and pictures, documenting every little detail, recording Harrison's famous quotes, sharing his crazy antics and using it as a keepsake journal for him and all of our friends and family to share in our lives. And got in the way, or something did, and here I am, 3 1/2 yrs later, looking back and missing those wonder filled days and my preschool little boy, so full of curious energy and eager to learn and take on life with such zest. And so, I have decided that what better time to get back to my online journal than while I'm expecting baby number 2, who will join our growing family in 6 short weeks! The ups and downs of the last 3 1/2 yrs have lead me here....
Joe and I are expecting our first baby together in March of this year. This baby is my second and will make Harrison a proud big brother, and is Joe's first, making him a proud new Daddy! Although it came as a bit of a surprise to us (or to me....I was in denial for a couple of weeks before we found out officially!) we are thrilled! We found out early on a Sunday morning in mid July, 2010. Joe stayed calm while I freaked out and had my best friend Kathleen come over at 8am to confirm the results....yep, there was no denying it, no matter how you held that test, there were 2 pink lines running across the result window! Appearantly she saw them too and told me there was no need for 5 more tests, like I suggested! After it sunk in and she left (after much hugging & excitement on her part about a new baby to hold!) Joe and I spent the day driving out of town to go for a long walk into the mountains in Kananaskis Country, to be together and talk about what this would mean for us, for Harrison and for our family. There is nothing like the fresh pure air that fills the mountains to cleanse your thoughts and renew your spirit. We came away from there knowing that this baby was meant to be, was destined for our home, and a miraculous gift chosen for us, to be a special part of our family. It may not have been perfect timing, but it was the perfect baby, and we would be the perfect set of parents to raise this little miracle sent our way. We knew that it would all work out and that life is full of wonderful surprises!
Harrison was thrilled when we shared the news with him! He kept hugging me and couldn't stop smiling and asking a million questions about pregnancy and the baby! He told me he was so proud to be a big brother, and promised me he'd take care of this baby...and it could even sleep in his room so as not to wake me up in the night when it cries! How sweet is that?! Knowing full well that would only last about 10 mins...but it's the thought that counts! Both of our families were shocked and surprised by the news, but have been very supportive and are excited to welcome a new family member in the spring. Who doesn't love a baby?
I was sick for the first 16 wks of this pregnancy, but nothing like how sick I was with Harrison, which made the throwing up this time much easier to handle! Since week 16 I have felt great, not so nauseous or tired and besides the movement I feel from baby, didn't even really feel pregnant. Oh how I loved second trimester bliss! We had 2 ultrasounds, one at 13 wks and one at 19 wks...both showing a strong and healthy baby growing inside me. We are so thankful for a routine pregnancy and what so far has proved to be a very healthy baby. We opted not to find out the baby's gender and prefer to have everyone guessing until the very end! There are so few really great surprises in life, and we feel this is one of them that is meant to be kept until that moment in the delivery room, when the doctor announces "It's a....."
We are now just 33 wks along and know that we are having a scheduled c-section on Tuesday March 1st, 2011. Harrison was an emergency c-section due to complications, and the same OB/GYN who delivered him will be delivering this baby too. He said I only have a 20-25% chance of a vaginal delivery and a 75-80% chance of the same complications arising again and needing another c-section, at which point would then become another emergency situation. The odds are not in my favour, and so after much thought and discussion amongst ourselves and with our Dr, we opted for the safer method of scheduling the c-section. The bonus of this allows for perfect down to the last day planning!
And so we head into the last 6 wks of this pregnancy with joy and excitement and much to do to get our house ready for baby number 2, who will be here, in my arms before I know it! We are trying to be patient, but it's hard to wait to meet the miracle that you've created with someone you love so much. We can't wait to watch our family grow and our love expand.
Joe and I are expecting our first baby together in March of this year. This baby is my second and will make Harrison a proud big brother, and is Joe's first, making him a proud new Daddy! Although it came as a bit of a surprise to us (or to me....I was in denial for a couple of weeks before we found out officially!) we are thrilled! We found out early on a Sunday morning in mid July, 2010. Joe stayed calm while I freaked out and had my best friend Kathleen come over at 8am to confirm the results....yep, there was no denying it, no matter how you held that test, there were 2 pink lines running across the result window! Appearantly she saw them too and told me there was no need for 5 more tests, like I suggested! After it sunk in and she left (after much hugging & excitement on her part about a new baby to hold!) Joe and I spent the day driving out of town to go for a long walk into the mountains in Kananaskis Country, to be together and talk about what this would mean for us, for Harrison and for our family. There is nothing like the fresh pure air that fills the mountains to cleanse your thoughts and renew your spirit. We came away from there knowing that this baby was meant to be, was destined for our home, and a miraculous gift chosen for us, to be a special part of our family. It may not have been perfect timing, but it was the perfect baby, and we would be the perfect set of parents to raise this little miracle sent our way. We knew that it would all work out and that life is full of wonderful surprises!
Harrison was thrilled when we shared the news with him! He kept hugging me and couldn't stop smiling and asking a million questions about pregnancy and the baby! He told me he was so proud to be a big brother, and promised me he'd take care of this baby...and it could even sleep in his room so as not to wake me up in the night when it cries! How sweet is that?! Knowing full well that would only last about 10 mins...but it's the thought that counts! Both of our families were shocked and surprised by the news, but have been very supportive and are excited to welcome a new family member in the spring. Who doesn't love a baby?
I was sick for the first 16 wks of this pregnancy, but nothing like how sick I was with Harrison, which made the throwing up this time much easier to handle! Since week 16 I have felt great, not so nauseous or tired and besides the movement I feel from baby, didn't even really feel pregnant. Oh how I loved second trimester bliss! We had 2 ultrasounds, one at 13 wks and one at 19 wks...both showing a strong and healthy baby growing inside me. We are so thankful for a routine pregnancy and what so far has proved to be a very healthy baby. We opted not to find out the baby's gender and prefer to have everyone guessing until the very end! There are so few really great surprises in life, and we feel this is one of them that is meant to be kept until that moment in the delivery room, when the doctor announces "It's a....."
We are now just 33 wks along and know that we are having a scheduled c-section on Tuesday March 1st, 2011. Harrison was an emergency c-section due to complications, and the same OB/GYN who delivered him will be delivering this baby too. He said I only have a 20-25% chance of a vaginal delivery and a 75-80% chance of the same complications arising again and needing another c-section, at which point would then become another emergency situation. The odds are not in my favour, and so after much thought and discussion amongst ourselves and with our Dr, we opted for the safer method of scheduling the c-section. The bonus of this allows for perfect down to the last day planning!
And so we head into the last 6 wks of this pregnancy with joy and excitement and much to do to get our house ready for baby number 2, who will be here, in my arms before I know it! We are trying to be patient, but it's hard to wait to meet the miracle that you've created with someone you love so much. We can't wait to watch our family grow and our love expand.