Summer Time

Wow...has it really been nearly 2 mos since my last entry? We have been busy! We are all moved into our new place in Cochrane and we love it! Harrison has so many little friends on the cul-de-sac, that he plays with nearly everyday! He's out there from early in the morning until bedtime, riding his bike or his new scooter, playing road hockey (no wonder he loves it here so much!) or hangin out in his new huge paddling pool on our deck! And if he's not doing any of the above, then he's in one of the neighbour's backyards! He's my little Backyardigan! (one of his favorite TV shows!) I too have made friends with all the moms and enjoy their company, while the kids play. We are having a block party next weekend, which I think will be great fun. And just today I met the neighbourhood Avon lady! It's a wonderful, small town life that I'd be hard pressed to trade now!

Less than 2 wks after our big move, we took off on holidays...which most of you know now was a bit of a disaster! Although, I am excited about getting a new that I'm over the trauma of my perfectly good car getting "murdered in her sleep" my Dad put it! I'll be sure to post pictures of the new car once it's in our posession...still not sure when that will be!

We are settling into our "normal" summer routine. Harrison will be in swimming lessons next week, then he starts Power Skating clinics soon to get ready for hockey season. Soon summer will be behind us, and we'll be diving into fall, kindergarden and hockey. I'm still not sure I'm qualified to have a child entering the school system...I still don't feel like an official Mom yet! Wonder when that sets in?! I still feel like maybe I'm a nanny, and have plenty of moments wondering, "is he really mine?!" Is this normal?!

I hope you are enjoying your summer, and I will try to stay up to date here! I have a great video of his sheep ride in Airdrie that I'll have to post! And I won't lie...the main reason I've been so slack here, is because I'm addicted to Facebook and have been posting my pictures there, instead of here! However, since I use this as a journal for Harrison, I'm going to post more pictures, more often! I've got to keep you interested somehow....that is if anybody is still reading this!