Monday, March 06, 2006

Bathroom Breakthrough!

WOW!!! You'll never believe what just happened! I put Harrison down for his quiet time, like I do every afternoon at this time, and carried on with my routine. I heard him turn the radio, followed by jumping on the bed, then peeked in to see the light on as well. I knew he would not sleep, but as long as he doesn't come out for at least one hour and does not destroy my room (he has quiet time in my bed) it's all good! About 1/2 hr later I heard the bedroom door open, some bumping and crashing, the sound of little feet in the hallway, followed by a commotion in the bathroom. What now, was all I was thinking as I headed toward the loo, wondering what I might find. I had visions of water everywhere as he splashed under the tap of running water, sleeves soaked and a mischievious smile upon his face~like so many times before! Why did I ever think that bathroom stool would be a good investment?! Well...I was pleasantly surprised to find out I was wrong!!!

As I turned the corner into the bathroom, what do you suppose I saw?! My own little Prince Harry, diaper off and tossed aside, sitting bare-bum upon his royal throne, with the biggest, broadest, proudest smile I have ever seen!!! "What are you doing?" I asked, even though it seemed rather obvious, I had to be sure, since I could hardly believe my eyes!!! "Going potty," he replied! That is like music to my ears and the most wonderful words he could speak! "All by yourself?" I asked cautiously. Again that million dollar smile as he flashed his big bright baby blues at me! "Wow! Good for you!" I beamed with unimaginable parental pride, rushing over to hug him, trying not to disrupt the important work at hand and knock him off balance! "I told myself I had to pee. Waiting for pee to come out!" he explained. And so we waited, and sure enough it did!

I realize that all of you adults accomplish this everyday, without such pomp and circumstance, however to me, this is a sweet and glorious victory!!! He might as well have scored the winning goal of the Stanley Cup or brought home the Nobel Peace Prize for attaining World Peace!!! For I could not have been prouder of his feat today! This is one of those breakthrough moments that make you proud to be a parent!

I am not sure if he was just trying to avoid having quiet time, or actually recognized the signs of a full bladder, but you can bet that I did not care that my routine, nor his nap was interupted for that! His actions today support my theory that if you just leave them in diapers long enough, they will potty train themselves...eventually!!! Until we see if there shall be a repeat performance, I am going to bask in the glory of this bathroom breakthrough, that to me is pure bliss!!!


Blogger Madame Angela Baggett said...

Yeah!!! I understand your pride and hope to join you in the line of parents who have aided their children toward toilet independance! I felt the same way when Ivan first peed. Now I'm hoping it will all come back to him, as opposed to the crying and refusal we last encountered!

March 07, 2006 8:57 p.m.  
Blogger Kimberley said...


March 08, 2006 6:07 p.m.  

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