Hurricane's Hockey Pics~for real this time!

Here we are! Finally! I got this to work and the pics posted! That only took me 2 weeks! Hope you find the pics worth the wait!
As you can see he's concentrating really hard on gettin that puck down the ice...when he loses his balance and it's game over!

These bottom ones were taken on a different day, and as you can see he didn't have much better luck staying up on his feet! The kid's got determination I tell you!!! My fave pic is the close-up one with the big "I'm so great!" smile!!!! Would you like his autograph now or when he's a big rich and famous NHL star?! It'll cost you a lot less now....but I do have a fee as his manager though!!!
Enjoy the pics now that they are there!!!!
way to go little man... keep up the good work..get your mom to put a pillow on your bottom,you dont need a sore bottom
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